PPTR 2012
PPTR 2012PPTR 2012PPTR 2012PPTR 2012
PPTR 2012



18:30 - Opening

19:00 - Opening Lecture :Multidimensional Phenotype of Individual WS Neurons of the Mouse POA
• Jim Eberwine - USA


08:00 - Symposium 1 - Epigenetic mechanisms in the establishment of thermal adaptation/thermotolerance
Chairperson:Michal Horowitz - The Hebrew University- Israel

Epigenetic regulation of thermotolerance acquisition during the critical period of sensory development
• Noam Meiri - ARO, The Volcani Center- Israel

Within life' heat acclimation mediated cytoprotective memory: Does epigenetic mechanisms play a role
• Michal Horowitz - The Hebrew University- Israel

Single Cell Transciptomics and Control of Cellular Phenotype
• Jim Eberwine –USA

09:15 - Coffee Break

09:45 - Symposium 2- Rhythmicity of Body Temperature - Hourly, Daily, and Seasonal
Chairperson: Roberto Refinetti - University of South Carolina-USA

Hourly Rhythmicity
• Roberto Refinetti - University of South Carolina-USA

Daily Rhythmicity - Field Studies
• Shane Maloney - University of Western Australia-Australia

11:00 - Lecture 1 - Skin Temperature, Sleep And Vigilanc>
• Eus JW Van Someren - Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience and VU University
Amsterdam- Netherlands

12:00 - Lunch Break

14:00 - Symposium 3 - Mechanisms and controllers of heat loss responses during heat stress in humans
Chairperson: Glen Kenny - University of Ottawa-Canada

The distributions of thermal and emotional sweating: challenging some persistent teachings
• Nigel Taylor - University of Wollongong-Australia

Heat dissipation in grafted skin
• Craig Crandall - Univ of Texas Southwestern Medical Center-USA

Altered local mechanisms of cutaneous vasodilatation and vasoconstrictor in essential hypertension
• Lacy A Holowatz - Penn State-USA

Is the body's ability to dissipate heat compromised following exercise-induced heat stress?
• Glen Kenny - University of Ottawa-Canda

15:45 - Lecture 2 -Body temperature daily rhythms in diurnal and nocturnal rodents – the response to illumination manipulations"
Abraham Haim - University of Haifa, Israel

16:45 - Symposium 4 - Mechanisms of thermal pleasantness - from basic to applied

Chairs: Kei Nagashima - Waseda University-Japan
Andrej A. Romanovsky - St. Joseph's Hospital - USA

Mapping a group of hypothalamic neurons that mediates cold-seeking behavior in endotoxin shock
• Samuel P. Wanner - Federal University of Minas Gerais-Brazil

Locomotor activity as a thermoeffector: role of TRPV1
• Andrej A. Romanovsky - St. Joseph's Hospital – USA

Behavioral thermoregulation is modulated by plasma hyperosmolality; the influence of daily activity
• Kei Nagashima - Waseda University-Japan

Thermal perception in heat is modulated by plasma hyperosmolality; comparison
between trained and non-trained young men
• Ken Tokizawa - Waseda University - Japan

17:30 New developments in metabolic measurement and behavioral analysis.
• John R. Lighton, President, Sable Systems International

18:15- Poster Session


8:30 - Symposium 5 The cannabinoid-1 (CB1) receptor: at the crossroads of thermoregulation and systemic inflammation

Chairs: Andrej A. Romanovsky - St. Joseph's Hospital - USA;
Glória E. P. de Souza - University of São Paulo – Brazil

• Quentin J. Pittman - University of Calgary - Canada
Contributions of CB1 receptors to fever: unexpected findings from the CB1 knockout.

• Daniel Fraga - Federal University of Paraná - Brazil
Anandamide-induced fever is dependent on prostaglandins, opioids, and interleukin-1

• Carlos Feleder - Albany College of Pharmacy – USA
Central CB1 receptors mediate initiation of hypotension during septic shock

• Alexandre A. Steiner - Albany College of Pharmacy – USA
Lipopolysaccharide-induced hypothermia critically depends on brain CB1 receptors.

09:45-Coffee Break

10:15- Symposium 6- Fever mediators and antipyretics
Chairperson: Joachim Roth - University of Giessen

• Christoph Rummel (Germany).
The putative JAK-STAT inhibitor AG490 and the putative NFkB inhibitor parthenolide show differential effects on fever and brain inflammatory markers during LPS-induced systemic inflammation in rats.

• Denis Melo Soares (Brazil).
Role of chemokines and its receptors on the CNS for inducing fever response.

• Lois Harden (Souht Africa).
Peripherally-released IL-10 and immune-to-brain signaling in mediating fever.

• David do Carmo Malvar (Brazil).
Antipyretic effect of dipyrone metabolites on fever induced by LPS and Tityus serrulatus venon (Tsv)

11:30 -Lunch Break

13:30 - Poster Session

15:00 - Symposium 7 - Interactions between metabolism and fever: adding fuel to the fire!

Chairperson: Giamal N. Luheshi - McGill University-Canada
Stephen Kent - LaTrobe University-Australia

Molecules regulating temperature in response to calorie intake
• Bruno Conti - Scripps Institute-USA

Early inflammation: programming adult innate and metabolic pathways
• Quentin J. Pittman - University of Calgary-Canada

Metabolic signals & the fever-hypothermia dichotomy in systemic inflammation
• Alexandre A. Steiner - Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Science-USA

The effects of diet induced obesity on the febrile response to LPS
• Giamal N. Luheshi - McGill University-Canada

Calorie restriction attenuates LPS-induced sickness fever
• Stephen Kent - LaTrobe University-Australia

17:00 - Conference 2- Brain Temperature: Regulation or Homeostasis?
• Eugene A. Kiyatkin


08.30 – Symposium 08 - Brown fat: cross-fertilization between animal and human studies

• Chairs: Wouter van Marken Lichtenbelt – Maastricht University, The Netherlands
Jan Nedergaard – Stockholm University, Sweden

Ambient temperature and facultative thermogenesis in mice
• Jan Nedergaard - Stockholm University, Sweden

Implications of the thermoneutral zone in human BAT studies
• Boris Kingma - Maastricht University, The Netherlands

Sympathetic and sensory innervation of brown adipose tissue
• Timothy Bartness - Georgia State University, USA

Brown fat activation by cold and insulin
• Kirsi Virtanen – Turku PET Centre, Finland

Cold activated Brown Adipose Tissue and whole body energy expenditure in humans
• Wouter van Marken Lichtenbelt – Maastricht University, The Netherlands

10:30- Coffee Break

11:00- Symposium 9 – Young researches awards presentation
Chairperson: Ruediger Gerstberger (Giessen, Germany)

12:30 - Lunch break

16:30 -Closing Lecture - TRP channels in thermoregulation
• Andrej A. Romanovsky - St. Joseph's Hospital – USA

17:45 - Awards Announcement & Closing Words (Ruediger Gerstberger)

Radicais Livres 2011