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Phillip Pierorazio, Johns Hopkins Hospital
Phillip Pierorazio
Johns Hopkins Hospital - EUA

O Dr. Pierorazio tem experiência em todas as áreas de UroOncologia  e tem grande experiência em cirurgias minimamente invasivas incluindo vídeolaparoscopia e robóticas do rim, bexiga, próstata e dissecção de linfonodos retroperitoneal para câncer de testículo.

Ele tem um interesse especial no câncer de rim, incluindo a nefrectomia parcial para a doença e fase inicial e cirurgias de alto risco para pacientes em estágios  avançados.

Paralelamente participa de pesquisa na área de próstata de alto risco e câncer urotelial. Ele tem um especial interesse em câncer testicular e de rim.
Mariano González Morales - Diretor Médico do IUBA.
Mariano Sebastián González
Diretor Médico do Urological Institute of Buenos Aires - Argentina

Dedicado ao tratamento endourológico , bem como a resolução da doença da próstata com tecnologia de ponta.
Emmanuel Chartier-Kastler
Emmanuel Chartier-Kastler
Working at Pitié-Salpétrière academic hospital (urology department) and at Pierre et Marie Curie medical school, Sorbonne Universités, Paris 6 University, Paris, France

Prof. E. Chartier-Kastler received his MD from Paris 6 University in 1989 and was accredited as a urologist in 1992. He is accredited as general surgeon and urologist. He was fellow and assistant professor between 1992 and 1998 in the department of urology of the academic Pitié-Salpétrière hospital. Since September 2001, he is professor of urology at the department of urology, medical school Pierre et Marie Curie, University Paris 6, France. He is head of the functional urology programme including female and male urinary incontinence diagnosis and management, female pelvic floor disorder, urological malformations and neurourology. His research areas include incontinence diagnosis and management (pharmacological treatment, devices and surgery), overactive bladder (neuromodulation, botulinum toxin studies and other new treatments under development), BPH (new treatments) and neurourology. Fellows from Europe or Québec are routinely working in the department taking part of the surgical activity dedicated to this field linked with the major rehabilitation centers of Paris area.

Christian P. Pavlovich
Christian P. Pavlovich
Professor of Urology and Oncology
Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions
Director, Urologic Oncology
Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center
Director, Urologic Oncology Fellowship

His clinical focus is on prostate, kidney and bladder cancer and benign prostatic diseases.
He is experienced in performing open, laparoscopic and other minimally invasive surgeries for the management of urologic tumors, including nerve-sparing and robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy, laparoscopic and robotic nephrectomy and partial nephrectomy, and robotic radical cystectomy.
Dr. Pavlovich treats cancer with an emphasis on minimizing morbidity and maximizing quality of life, while offering patients the latest treatment options and techniques.
His practice is dedicated primarily to the treatment of prostate, kidney and bladder cancer, as well as to the treatment of benign prostatic diseases. He is experienced in open, laparoscopic, and robotic minimally invasive surgery for the management of urologic tumors, including nerve-sparing laparoscopic and robot- assisted radical prostatectomy, laparoscopic and robotic nephrectomy and partial nephrectomy, and robotic radical cystectomy.
A particular expertise of his is the robotic extraperitoneal (or retroperitoneal) approach to the prostate and kidney for patients with prostate or kidney cancer. This approach, which avoids entry into the abdominal cavity, is ideally suited for patients that have had prior abdominal or inguinal operations (e.g. hernia repairs, appendectomy, colectomy) or who have inflammatory conditions (e.g. Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis) that might make an abdominal robotic approach more hazardous.



Local do evento:
Campos do Jordão Convention Center
Avenida Macedo Soares, 499 - Capivari - Campos do Jordão
Tel: 55 12 3663-5144